A narrow, nominal 1.5" aperture sound absorbing luminaire, Seem 1 Acoustic is available with direct only, indirect only or direct/indirect illumination, or as an unlit baffle. The patented, eco-friendly AirCore® technology maximizes sound absorption and reduces ecological impact. Seem 1 Acoustic can be used as an individual luminaire or in continuous runs in lengths from 4' to 208', and fully illuminated 90˚corners allow for the creation of unique patterns. Choose between lensed illumination or continuous louvers, offered with several finishes and beam spreads, to enhance occupant’s acoustic and visual comfort, and interior architecture.
Seem 1 & 2 Acoustic with 90° corners
Let your imagination roam free and easily turn your vision into reality, without cutting corners when it comes to superior light quality and luminaire architecture! Seem 1 & 2 Acoustic are now offered with left and right, fully illuminated 90° corners, as well as corners for unlit baffles.